Course ID: EDU5002

This course consist of 30 hours of online assignments and activities. Educators will receive 3.0 CEUs after the completion of this course. CEUs are issued by The North Mississippi Education Consortium. We can deliver this course online or onsite**. The cost for the online delivery is $65.
Workshop Description:

Some instructional strategies allow educators to form a stronger teaching and learning connection with their culturally diverse students. Some strategies demonstrate standard practices of excellent teaching. While other are catered to assisting with students from diverse cultures. How an educator embraces the diversity from the students and parents or guardians can have a profound impact on academics. Great teachers find ways to reach students and provide the environment that allow learning to thrive.

This workshop requires educators to implement new or improve current strategies in their education setting. All teachers will participant in peer classroom observations for learning and improving current practices. A district, school and teachers have to find the right balance for their environment. You will need a mentor or administrator to complete some parts of this workshop.

This workshop includes activities for creating your own S.M.A.R.T. goals. Teachers are strongly encouraged to participate in this activity as part of workshop. Discussions and chats are available for all educators to further engage in this activity. We also provide a PLC tool for teachers to use in their school. The PLC and the S.M.A.R.T goal tool is available for use after the completion of this workshop.

Each workshop has teacher workload information and activity. This discusses the need for balance of teacher workload. It is meant for teacher encouragement and accountability. The workloads of teachers is something that can be addressed through consistent team collaboration. Team collaboration is strongly encouraged in all workshops.

The coursework involves reading assignments that aides in thoroughly understanding the learning objective. Teachers are required to submit a lesson snippet of the learning objective. This is for the implementing the learning objective in real time. The workshop provides a peer observation activity to further ensure the learning objective is being used. It is the intent that all the activities, discussion and assessments help the educator achieve the needed outcome(s).

This workshop will focus on the following areas:


Learning Objective:
Use a variety of instructional strategies and learning activities: | (1) How do you use instructional activities in cultural diverse environments? (2) How do language skills affect these activities? (3) Do making activities to be diverse seem harder to fully implement even if its well planned? (4) Does it become too difficult to maintain?(Give your honest opinions.) There are endless resources of instructional strategies to fit into any classroom. It is not necessarily the strategies but rather the implementation. Knowing the cultural environment and purposely making adjustments are two very different realities. Measuring the results of instructional strategies that help integrate culturally diverse students and teachers can be extremely challenging. Building and fostering that environment can lead to a rich academic environment.


Learning Objective:
Incorporate objectives for affective and personal development: | (1) What are your thoughts on affective and personal development ? (2) How do you or how would you approach this area in your classroom? Affective and personal development intends to influence someone’s outlook, choices, connections and relationships. Doing so can allow experiences that may not be otherwise feasible outside of a controlled educational setting. In order to set the environment for academic improvement, trust, cooperation and collaboration are important factors. Student motivation and perception can greatly increase engagement rates. The classroom environment sets the stage for affective and personal development. When the learning environment promotes this kind of growth, students learn to work better in cooperative activities.


Learning Objective:
Developing learning objectives and activities based on diversity: | What could be more inclusive than designing an academic environment that take into account diversity in learning. This concept requires understanding in order to achieve a symbiotic environment to embrace differences in the classroom while learning. This can lead to a wealth of knowledge that encourages more cooperation and collaboration among students. (1) Are you making diverse activities for your students? (2) What is the most challenging issue with developing and implementing? (3) How diverse is your school culture? (4) Please explain some successes and failures!


Learning Objective:
Provide rationales for your students: | It is extremely valuable to let students know their worth and important to the school and the classroom. Students need to understand the value of their educational activities. Explaining the use of resources with examples are required. Providing resources without clear guidance create information gaps and misunderstandings. Infusing this strategy in your classroom should be a fundamental step. It has to be a consistence theme in the classroom. How do your lesson development or instruction include rationales? (2) Is this apart of a daily practice for you? (3) Give me your thoughts on this strategy?

Extended Activities
Create Plan of Action using the following:

    S.M.A.R.T. Goals
    To make sure your goals are clear and reachable, each one should be:
  • Specific (simple, sensible, significant)
  • Measurable (meaningful, motivating)
  • Achievable (agreed, attainable)
  • Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based)
  • Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive)

Extended Activities
Components of Action Plan:

Identify task
Gather data
Develop strategies
Implement plan

Some References:

  • Parrish, Patrick & VanBerchot, Jennifer (2010, May). Cultural Dimensions of Learning: Addressing the Challenges of Multicultural Instruction. Retrieved from

  • Fennema, Barbara (2017). The Affective Domain: What It Is and How You Can Incorporate It into Your Courses. Retrieved from

  • University of California (2015,). Designing Effective Activity Centers for Diverse Learners. Retrieved from

  • (2016, September 08). Preparing for Cultural Diversity: Resources for Teachers. Retrieved from

  • Dean, Ceri & Hubbell, Elizabeth (2017). Classroom Instruction That Works. Retrieved from

  • NEA (2008, October). A Clear Rationale for Learner-Centered Teaching. Retrieved from

  • Tomlinson, Carol (2007, October 31). Fulfilling the Promise of the Differentiated Classroom. Retrieved from

  • Gay (2004). Culturally Conscious Lesson Design and Instructional Strategies. Retrieved from

  • Tileston (2004, November 10). What Every Teacher Should Know About Diverse Learners. . Retrieved from

    1. First, you must Register on our online course system. Click the Register button below.
    2. After you created an account, login and select the course and pay ($65 per course).
    Note: You will have immediate course access! Your facilitator will be in contact within 24 hours.